Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy

18 March 2020

We all have them, phones, IPads, Laptops, and Computers. We use them every day. We toss them in our bags, purses, and lay them down on all kinds of surfaces. So when is the last time you disinfected your germ carriers?

Germs live on all sorts of surfaces and dust mites can bread in a speck of dust. Our electronics are an extension of our arms; we have them with us always.

Dust mites are microscopic,

insect-like pests,

that generate allergens.

Taking some time on a regular basis to ensure we are removing the germs building up on these valued instruments, is key to maintaining our Healthy Environments.

Invest in Hard Surface wipes and use them on the casings of your electronics. Wipe your phone down daily especially if you have been sick, nobody wants to re-contaminate ourselves.

If you keep your phone in your purse, bag, or belt case, disinfect these as well. Imagine having a germ free phone only to stick it in a germ filled purse or pouch.

Wash your hands often. Germs from your hands are transferred to your electronics and then to your body.

Colds, the flu, and viral diseases are spread through germs. Protect yourself and your family from getting sick by taking the time to disinfect these widely used items.

Your body will thank you.

Need to order Hard Surface Wipes or other disinfectant products?

Give us a call 340-774-1073 or visit our online catalog.

You deserve the best and we are here to serve you.

Make 2020 Your Year of Germ Free Electronics!

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