Stuck Inside

Stuck Inside

25 March 2020

We are all feeling the current health crisis and staying home more is necessary.  Now is a great time to disinfect your home environment.  Below are some ideas on what you can take on easily while you are at home.

Healthy Cabinets:

Our Healthy Environments require addressing often used, but less often cleaned areas. Taking time to work on our cabinets gives our kitchens the healthy boost needed.

The Beginning: 

Begin with the top cabinet farthest to your left, remove everything from the cabinet. Place all items on your dining table or counter tops. Using a microfiber cloth and an all-purpose cleaner like Clean By Peroxy, wipe down the entire cabinet inside and out. If you have a shelf above the cabinets wipe that down as well. Make sure to remove any debris from the corners of the shelves. Next use Hard Surface Wipes and disinfect the door and handle. Take your time and really give the cabinet a thorough cleaning.

The Middle:

Once you have the cabinet cleaned decide what that cabinet should have in it. Is this cabinet for glasses or dishes or something else? Once you have decided what should be in this cabinet, write that on a piece of paper and tape it to the inside door of the cabinet. This will remind you as you go through the other cabinets what you want in this cabinet.

Next, look to all the items you removed from this cabinet and return only the items that are supposed to be in the cabinet. Leave the other items out until you reach the cabinet those go in. Before you replace each item, take a look at it. It is full of dust from lack of use? Do you really need this item? Does it have food stuck to it? As you are removing and replacing your kitchen items, keep a donation box nearby, and put items you no longer need or want in the box.

The End:

If you have a very large kitchen with many cabinets split the tasks up into two days. One day do the top cabinets and the next day do the bottom cabinets and the drawers.

As you make progress on reorganizing and cleaning your kitchen cabinets your enthusiasm will increase. Once you have one cabinet done you will definitely want more done.

Points to keep in mind

  • Take before and after pictures so you can see your progress and really appreciate the time and effort you are putting into your healthy environment.
  • Organize in a way that makes sense to you.
  • Combine similar things together.
  • Declutter the junk drawer and toss out unused or unwanted items.
  • Use a charity box to downsize the amount of dishes, glasses, or other items you have.
  • Work from left to right, top to bottom.
  • Use microfiber cloths, Clean by Peroxy, and Hard Surface Wipes to make your job easier.
  • Having clean, organized, and disinfected kitchen cabinets and drawers will give you a sense of pride in your kitchen. Having a healthy kitchen is the first step in giving your environment the 2016 year of clean.

ABC Sales & Services is dedicated to helping you create and maintain your Healthy Environment.

We are available to discuss with you any and all areas of your home or business.

We offer the best in products and our staff is fully training in the best cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting procedures to ensure your environment receives the most value.

Give us a call at 340-774-1073

Visit our service page for more information.

Make 2020 The Best Year Of Clean!!!

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