Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Family

Healthy Kitchen, Healthy Family

12 February 2020

Every home chef knows that food tastes better when the ingredient of Love is added. Whether it is the burden of time or patience or the never ending development of the recipe, love is the secret ingredient.

Having all the ingredients we need to continue to feed our families goes to the heart of establishing a Healthy Environment in our bodies.

This week let's go through the tasks of maintaining our pantries and ensuring that our supplies and ingredients are in a healthy state.

Purge the storm kit:

We all stock up during the summer in case of a storm. Our pantries this year may be empty due to the need to use our kits.  However you still may have some items left over that should be examined for expiration dates.  Toss out expired food items. Donate items nearing expiration that you will not be using soon. Continue to use items from the storm kit before buying new.

Organize the shelves:

The key to a well-stocked pantry is the ability to locate items quickly. If you cannot find it, you will not use it. Organizing the shelves in a logical system will ensure that items are used in a timely manner.

Anyone who has ever gone to the store and spent hard earned cash purchasing bulk items, only to get home and realize you already have a full supply of these items, knows that organization can save you money.

Depending on how many shelves you have, designate an area for each type of food. For example assign areas or shelves for can foods, dry goods, pastas, baking needs, and spices. When placing items in each area, group similar items together, make sure labels are visible for quick reference, and bring older items to the front.

Developing a first in first use system will help ensure your items do not expire before use.

Use zip lock baggies or air tight storage containers:

Our environment is damp and small ants and meal worms can settle into our flour, sugar, and pastas. Placing these items in large zip lock baggies or air tight food storage containers will minimize the waste associated with pesky uninvited guests.

Once a month check these items not used on a regular basis for the presence of ants or other bugs, and toss out infested items.

Shop for a plan:

Groceries are so expensive and over buying can lead to waste and money tossed in the trash. Whether you shop weekly or monthly for your pantry, create a plan for the meals you will be making. Developing a meal schedule will save you money and offer your family great home cooked meals.

Trying new recipes is fun, but some recipes call for a specific spice that you might only use for that recipe one time. Adapting recipes to utilize the spices you already have on hand will reduce costs and bring that familiar taste your family is already used to.

The freezer:

The freezer becomes an extension of our pantries the moment we put more than ice in it. When buying bulk meats break down the large packages into smaller portions and stretch your groceries to the maximum extent. Use freezer bags and write the contents and date on the packages. After use most freezer bags can be washed and reused, further saving you the added expense and the environment by recycling.

Organize your freezer using the first in first use system. Most items in a freezer longer than 6 months will develop freezer burn and will diminish the taste and consistency of the item.

Make a list:

It is so easy to over spend when buying groceries by not making a list. Go through your pantry and freezer before you head out to the store. By writing down what you need or at least what you already have you will reduce duplication and only purchase those items you truly need.

Clean, clean, and clean some more:

It really cannot be said enough that cleanliness in your pantry and freezer is as important as your counter tops. Spills, dust, crumbs, and dirt will carry germs and illness. As you are organizing your pantry, wipe down canned items (nothing like opening a can of soup and the dusty top falls in the opened can).

Use an all-purpose cleaner on the shelves, sweep and mop the floor, and dust the walls and corners of your pantry. If you freezer needs defrosting let your supplies get low. Put them all in a cooler with extra ice, and give your freezer the defrost attention it needs.

A clean freezer is an efficient freezer, saving you even more money.

Give us a call at 340-774-1073 or visit our catalog page for your supplies.

Visit our service page and tell us what you need.

We are here for your every step of the way.

Make 2020 The Best Year Of Clean!

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